22 Nov 2010

Combined Arms 2.0

Website updated!!

Ok so I've spent a good whack of time and edited the site to look more fancy. I'm quite chuffed with myself as every time I do something like this, it's all self taught! The title image and banner was hit and miss then I got it sorted. Some new stuff has been added and some other stuff removed. I've also trimmed down the "about me" section as it was a bit of a wall of text!
For future posts I need to remember and page break early as the preview pane looks quite nasty and messes up the format. Ah well at least it helps direct people to the posts and not just sit on the front page and scroll through all the posts like how it was set up before.
when I was working away I had a tune stuck in my head that I had to search for on Youtube, I've added it below. It's not what I'm normally into but will be added to my Ipod for those zoning out "get shit done" moments at work. (Beastie Boys "Sabotage", one of my all time favorite tunes is another great song for those moments)

Feedback on the site layout is much appreciated. Is it better/worse than the old one? What other stuff would you like to see added?


Warhammer39999 said...

I like the layout, as it's quite clean and easy to navigate, though I don't think I ever got to see the original look to compare it against...

If you're looking for some constructive criticism, I don't have much. The blog roll is a tad compressed, so stretching that out a smidge would be a visually appealing. Otherwise, the white bars at the top of the navigation bar and the banner image are slightly off-putting. It's a really minor nit-picky thing though. Overall, it looks great. It's hard to believe you're self-taught!


'tis great to see your site renewed, shining with new light for such a fun set of hobbies. I look forward to new content, new information, and also, by the way, thank you for watching my recently hatched blog. I hope I will not disappoint you.

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