7 Apr 2011

Adepticon army list breakdown.

Bigred posted a very interesting breakdown of the army split for Adepticon. I make no secret about hating Space Wolves and my feelings about how they've taken the "uniqueness" thing too far. (By being too good/too better than vanilla marines)
They've taken the mantle from Ultra Marines as army that GW can push to kids "What you mean these 3 units can shoot missiles and lascannons at different targets!?! Can my Space Marines do that? No? Well I don't like them anymore"

Blood Angels: 38
Black Templars: 3
Chaos Daemons: 14
Chaos Space Marines: 21
Deamonhunters: 1
Dark Angels: 5
Dark Eldar: 10
Eldar: 7
Imperial Guard: 32
Necrons: 3
Orks: 32
Space Marines: 28
Space Wolves: 43
Tau: 5
Tyranids: 13

The Tau representation makes for sad reading. I'm also surprised at the low Eldar numbers...And where is the Sisters!?! /sadfase

Bigred goes on to say that he notices the community gel around Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Imp Guard. Personally I was always under the impression these were the 3 "expect to face" armies in any major tournament (I expect Grey Knights to also add to that)

From a non marine player this isn't really a surprise to be honest. The difference between the 5th ed armies and the 3/4th ed armies is massive. As the Ork codex was written before 5th ed, it's pretty much a 5th ed codex. Add them to 3 variant Marine codexes and you have 5 codexes representing about 3 quarters of what was used. (15 listed) Recently there has been a lot of "count as" posts on various forums. I've always said I'm on the fence about this but this quote from Bigred's post made me sad.
"Event organizers recieved 40 counts-as army requests, which are defined as a player requesting models from a particular codex range, to be allowed to be used to represent another codex.  38 of the 40 were requests for transfers into codex Space Wolves armies."
This is a perfect example of the codex creep, win at all cost nonsense that fuels the fire for people arguing against "count as". I'm sure many people have sat back and though "See, I told you"
Seriously, when 38 people want to use "count as Space Wolves" that's not 38 people with unique awesome conversions. That's 38 people just wanting 3 units of Longfangs and a load of Grey Hunter's in Razorbacks because their Vanilla Marines or Chaos Marines can't do it. It's a shame because then "count as" is being abused. it's not "count as", it's "want to win as".

So what does the future hold for Tau tournament players?  Plasma Rifles. Lots and lots of Plasma Rifles. Sure Adepticon is just 1 event out of the year but it's an interesting snapshot of the army breakdowns you'll likely face (you will face).  Grey Knights are the "next big thing" so stock up on your low ap weapons and keep shooting for the great good..


NockerGeek said...

Packing a lot of low-AP guns should be standard operating procedure, with 3+ armor making up half (or more) of your likely opponents these days. For the most part, my lists are locked in for the foreseeable future.

Iggy said...

My answer to Longfangs? Splinter cannons. Lots and lots of Splinter cannons... x)

Marshal Wilhelm said...

You really do need plasma rifles. MEq doesn't lay down and die to missile pods as it is.
Add in FNP and/or 2+ save and they aren't dying very quickly.

Also, Piranhas with Fb are needed to move-block and MELTA nasty transports.

Basically, Tau in tourneys in "steady as she goes" with all the usual ploys remaining as our only real choices for hardcore play.

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