21 Feb 2011

New army thoughts, idea's needed.

So, after reading the first Horus Heresy book and being a good bit through the 2nd, my love/hate for Space Marines is becoming more of a love situation.   Tau are always going to be my main army, however I think I also want a 2nd, fun/fluffy army with totally different tactics. - Enter Space Marines.

My last Marine army was Imperial Fists and played as a gunline. I don't reckon I can go back to painting all those yellow troops. I was also slowly converting a Flesh Tearer's army.  Atm, the Blood Angels are fairly popular but I still don't see many of them painted as Flesh Tearers, so that's a thought.  After reading Adam's progress on Space Wolves Grey  with his Wolf Guard Terminator Army, this makes me think about a First Company list. (Would not be Space Wolves for me. Don't know why but I just couldn't see me collecting them) Lists like this seem to be called a First and Tenth lists form what I've read, as you're army is made of first company vets, with the scouts from the tenth acting as troops.  If this a standard codex list, it then opens up all other Chapters for possible use. Hmmm it's a tough one, Anyone got any suggestions?


Xenos and Proud said...

I have two suggestions both of which are just an idea for differing as much as possible from your previous armies:

1. A fast bike army. You don't need to paint them White Scars but a fast army with Speeders, Attack Bikes, Scouts and such seems different and fun. You could even use BA and have Storm Ravens and Assault marines.

Plus who doesn't like a Land Speeder Storm deep-striking and depositing Scouts with shotguns? Not good gamewise but awesome fluff-wise.

2. An elite, footslogging army with Terminators everywhere and such so that they are impossible to kill. Just a giant rock that nobody can stop and will be flattened if in the way. Best to go close combaty.

Even better you can probably use the Gray Knight codex if it is cool enough.

Do what you think is best though and follow your love of fluff as that seems to be why you want them.

Unknown said...

While they don't have a codex update for the latest addition, you might want to consider the Dark Angels (my marine army).
The Deathwing (1st company) is fluff-tatsic as is the Ravenwing (2nd company). Lots of choices there.

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