14 Feb 2011

When people take the fun out of the game...

I used to love Advanced Tau Tactica. It's was great source of knowledge and I liked the "no bullshit" approach they have to making sure that only decent and informed posts are submitted. Recently however I've noticed a few really petty rule threads and epeen/manhood measuring threads coming up and it's starting to make me loose faith in what they're trying to do.

Take this thread as an example:
Can XV8s jump over intervening models in their Assault Move?
This thread and another about target locks has really wound me up. Now of course each player is entitled to their own opinion but it seems that a few just want to be stubborn as hell and want to disagree for the sake of it.
We all know the difference between rules as written and rules as intended. This is a table top game of toy soldiers. It's not a duel to the death, with rules of engagement honorably written in blood by your forefathers.

If Tau players want to pick apart the out of date codex or badly written rules to make our army even weaker then go ahead. You guys are doing a brilliant job at giving reasons for people not to play Tau and making lots of friends in the process. Heck you're the kind of people that would argue over how to play Tic Tac Toe and no doubt say either X or O is overpowered.
It's not the rules that are the problem when digging up something like this. It's the fact you're trying to interpret them into something negative that's causing a problem. All you ever get from these threads is "I'm right, you're wrong. I'm not changing my views"  Naysayers are a pain in the ass. If you're going to argue, argue for progress.


TJ Atwell said...

I have to say as a former shas'ui over there that I also left ATT behind (in 08) for much the same reason. We had some great discussion when 5th came out and guys like Tonka Truck Driver were coming up with brilliant ways forward, but then, once the new edition was old news, the general quality went to Hell. They also promoted some of the worst people to ranks that were previously very hard to get. Hopefully they fix themselves when Tai get a new dex.

NockerGeek said...

The stubbornness with which some people cling to their own ill-informed opinions, even in the face of contrary evidence, never ceases to amaze me.

And I that OST has it right - once there was nothing new to discuss or work out, the overall quality of discussion at ATT went downhill. I know I hadn't checked it in months before seeing this post, and that's because there just wasn't anything of note going on. I think it's also why a lot of the Tau blogs have gotten very quiet on the Tau front; there's nothing new to discuss, even when new armies come out.

Gredus said...

For the Tau blogs, we need to pick apart the new codex's and get tactics up for what works against them. That's the way forward I reckon for now in this down time.

Tim said...

Hmm, I think ATT is just running out of things to talk about. They're just bored. The codex is old so there isn't much new to talk about. There are some pretty insane rules-lawyers at that site though. That whole thread is one big facepalm.

I still like the site but mostly for painting and modelling stuff.

NockerGeek said...

I don't think there's much to do when it comes to countering new codexes, mostly due to the lack of multiple good options in the Tau codex. Each FoC slot has only 1 or 2 solid options, and the strategy is generally the same: screen/block enemies from getting too close, shoot back with railguns and battlesuits, repeat. While I don't generally believe in the mono-build, I will say that the Tau codex is pretty much mono-strategy.

andy_divide said...

Couldn't agree more! I occasionally check ATT for modelling stuff, but that's it. Threads like the one you linked, and specific members (including one of those arguing in that particular thread) make my blood boil to a point where I had to quit visiting the site. It seems to me that the ranking system there makes some people feel and act a lot more important than they actually are, and while the rules regarding post quality are a laudible idea, their implementation often shoots down potentailly worthwhile discussions.

Gundam John said...

ATT does provide a valuable service;
by being so toxic to the Tau community and so "dickish" to people who might be interested in playing Tau they keep the price of Tau models on Ebay low.

Seriously they are poison.
Sure it's an old codex, but it's a good one.

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