11 Feb 2012

Goodbye Tau, It was fun while It lasted

I must have wrote and re-wrote this about 5 times.

Sadly with each new army book becoming more and more crazy and more and more Spas Mareen books, I've totally lost all enthusiasm for my Tau. In my last match took a particularly nasty beating from Space Wolves which made me question the "fun" aspect of the game and why I was playing it. I was played off the board not by better tactics but simply much better units and weapons that could tear my army apart - (Jaws of the World Wolf vs Broadsides...3 units of Longfangs vs Crisis Suits are 2 prime examples) - It wasn't that they were just strong counters, they could also beat the crap out of anything else I was fielding.

I never wanted Tau to be better than the rest or have cheesy over powered tactics. I just wanted to have a fighting chance that didn't default to every battle being the same tactic of; screen, shoot, prey you don't get in CC. After a while you realize that your army is at most a gimmick that worked kinda ok with old rules, but now just gets swept aside with the new rules/codex's. Most discussions for the faction are just people being slammed for suggesting a different tactic/play style/unit, wild speculation about units they would like to see in a new codex, or unit reviews. Sadly the blogsphere in general for Tau is also pretty stagnant. This is what happens with a codex not updated since 2006, people just don't have much to say anymore or much to champion.

 I've decided that after today I'll no longer be updating the site. It will be left alone as a reminder of something that could have been. If Tau ever do get updated I might start blogging again as I still do love them, I just don't have any fun playing them anymore in 5th ed. If you're not having fun with the game it's time to step away and find something new.....

Which leads me to Gun Mage my new blog which will be dedicated purely to Cygnar and my Warmachine exploits. I've tried to follow/add blogs from people who've gave me advice over the months with 40k, or also had Warmachine posts.

Thanks for the visits during the time I've been running the blog and good luck to everyone with their future efforts in their chosen games. May Lady Luck bless your dice, Chance favor your decisions, and Fate be on your side!


Rathstar said...


It's a shame to see you go, but I can understand why.

Have you considered starting another 40k army, while you wait for the Tau to be redone ?


Gredus said...

Na dude, I was going to try a Flesh Tearer list but I just though; "what's the point?"

I'm fed up with GW cramming marines down everyone's throats and their drive to make each chapter so unique and different they ignore/leave behind races with far more interesting lore and options to them. (Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Chaos Legions/Marines) Any marine player of a different chapter can proxy they marines and use the default marine rule book. Heck they can even use whatever chapter of the month marine codex is currently topping the power charts to proxy into.

Xenos races get the shaft as Spas Mareens is the cash cow. Does it not occur to GW if something else is just as tasty that will also generate money? When Tau was first released there was a rise in popularity/sales in America directly related to them.

If Dark Angels are the next Codex, does that mean that we can expect Ravenguard, Imp Fists, White Scars, Iron Hands to all get their own codex too?

Bah, this is why my blog was re-written so many times, it ended up being a rant at Space Marines. I just hate the fact all the marine chapters have to get their special little rules first before an entire faction gets an update. Six or Seven Space Marines Codex's will be out before we even see 1 Chaos Marine Codex. That codex will do for NINE different chaos legions with different established backgrounds, lore and tactics.

"Na bro, it's cool, just like play them all the same way...Only the marines chapters are different" :(

Tim said...

Well, don't sell them and they'll always be waiting for you when you return.

Personally, I don't play 40k much anymore and tau of war has stagnated a little...we need some new life in Tau! GW, are you ever going to listen?!?

One thing I will say, is that it is a pity GW designed a codex that was meant to be lead by great heroes, specializing in CC and instead the best build is one that spams missile launchers and razorbacks and shoots better than TAU. WTF? SW codex=worst codex ever. Doesn't play at all like it was intended.

NockerGeek said...

Sadness. It seems like everyone is falling away, though I understand why they're (you're) all frustrated. Not an easy time to be a Tau player, especially when all that can really be said has been said.

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