17 Apr 2011

Plans for the weekend.. Mmmm Deathwatch

I know, "But Gredus, Saturday has already passed!"  Well luckily enough my "weekend" is always a 3 day weekend, so I still have 2 days left!

I <3 Nacho - See his work here

I've got 20 Kroot base coated in foundation Mordian Blue waiting to be painted on Sunday. I've set aside 5 of them to be done initially on the paint table, the rest are in the cupboard. I've not put lots of models out as I don't want to feel overwhelmed at all the stuff I have to do.  Pulled out with them are the 6 man Fire Warrior Team I've been working on recently. They only have a little bit left to do so they can be worked on when the washes are drying on the Kroot.
For the Kroot, 1 of them has been test painted up with an Enchanted Blue drybrush then the spikes and stomach was pained with Bleached Bone, cloth bits and wood bits were done with Bestial Brown and then Silver bits were done with Boltgun Metal finally a coat of a Devlan Mud wash was added. I then went back and did Bleach Bone again on the stomach. End result looked really good. I might re-drybrush the enchanted blue area's again to bring it up as the wash really darkened down the whole model. Against the Crisis Suits and Fire Warriors it's a nice contrast. 
After they are done i'll work on my Fireknive team.

For Monday I should hopefully get my Roleplay Deathwatch character set out. A group of us at work are going to be running a campaign using a GURPS system. We're each going to be Space Marines from various Chapters, everything about them was up to us and it's resulted in some funny combo's with Chapter Loyalties and concepts. So far we have:

Crimson Fist Assault Marine - Arrogant, won't back down etc, really really really hates Orks.  Wielding a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.
Blood Angel Apothocary - Wielding an wrist mounted Inferno Pistol and old school Lighting Claw (retractable blades, the idea is he can have his hands free at any time)
Silver Skulls Librarian - bit not right in the head, all about time manipulation etc rather than distruction
Iron Hand (I think) Techmarine - All about the Machine Spirit, half head bionics etc. Very emotionless

And then me...

I've decided to go for the Iron Knights Chapter.  The inspiration was from an Ultramarine model i've always liked.

The idea for my marine is that he was trained by the legendary Hervlad Strom and that's he's a Chapter Champion (or potential Champion as I guess he can't be the Champion with Strom still kicking about!) I'm going to have him dual wielding Power Swords, or a Relic Blade and a Power Sword. Choppy choppy choppy!!  He was selected for Deathwatch after his squad was ambushed by a group of Howling Banshees. Picking up his fallen Squad Leader's Relic Blade he goes to town on them dual wielding with his Power Sword, ultimately ending with him slaying the Exarch in single combat.  This triggers the interest from the Inquisition and is the catalyst for his recruitment into the Deathwatch.

Once the character is set, I can't wait to get starting on also modeling him. It's not essential for the roleplay but it's too good an opportunity to miss!


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