7 Feb 2011

Dystopian Wars

I was tipped off to this by Dan.  Spartan Games has released a new Air Land and Sea game called Dystopian Wars. Its set in a Victoria Steampunk universe in 1870 where the Industrial Revolution has taken place decades before it happen in real life. Also the world is fighting over a newly discovered element that is fueling the ships and their technology.

"It is a time of unrest, distrust and fear - technology has leapt far beyond anyone's wildest imaginings, issues of morality abandoned in the pursuit of power. Tesla's electricity has made life easier, providing light and warmth, but now also powers military vehicles and weapons. Darwin's biological experiments have yielded livestock that can feed all the hungry, as well as monsters that are all too readily unleashed upon the battlefield. And the heart of this technological innovation stands Sturgeon's Element 270, used to create metals as light as fabric, or as hard as diamonds.

With changing times come changing tactics. Man cannot compete with the Iron Behemoths that now tread across the battlefield, at least not alone. With improved communications, there has been a revolution in the armed forces of the world. Combined arms are now the most widely accepted tactics in use, despite some die-hard commanders still stubbornly clinging to their old ways."

The game is mainly ship based, it seems ridiculously easy to play and all the reviews I've read have rated it very high.
I'll give it a full review once I get my models and get a game in. I've chosen the Kingdom of Britannia for my fleet and will make it a Scotland based fleet sailing out to defend the Northern Seas.


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